Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Memory lane

 Here are the directions:
1. As a comment on my blog leave one or several memories you and i had together. It doesnt matter if you know me a lot or a little, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses! If you leave a memory about me I'll assume you are playing the game and I'll come and leave one about you!

So let's have it! Don't be shy! What do you remember? Anything funny, embarrassing, ridiculous, serious silly.......


Emily said...

I remember the day you were born. My water broke at 3:30 in the morning and you were born at 8:06. You were a beautiful, healthy, chubby little angel. I was so glad Heavenly Father allowed me to be your Mom. I love you Emily!

MALLORY said...

orange pornge and pinkie! haha and every last retared thing that happened in socail studdies kast year! HAHA

MALLORY said...

wow i really dont know how to spell

Sarah King said...

There are so many to choose from i dont know where to begin. well.................Most of my memorys of me and you always have food included like when we always make a cake or something or when i eat all of the food at your house and when we walk to giant hamburger or sonic. and how we both LOVE gecko grill. and then i loved fourth hour last year REMEMBER WHEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and when we would dance to September with mallory! and when we always said ARANGE instead of orange! and when we had a dance party with zack in your parents bath room. And ALL of our inside jokes! Other than that all of the memorys of me and you ALWAYS include LAUGHTER!!! I love you so much em! thanks for being such an AMAZING friend!

Clayton said...

emilia.. well pretty much the thing that sticks out to me most is your blankey.. BOTH of them the ugly one and the pretty one :) and also you giving up your bed so i can sleep in it (your way nicer then meagan) and when you cook for me which is often.. your going to be a chef i know.. i love you emmy!!